If you’ve enjoyed issues 1 and 2 of The Once and Future Queen and are eagerly awaiting issue 3 (not to mention 4 and 5), we have some news you’ll want to read (from co-writer/co-creator Adam P. Knave’s site)…

Hey! I heard you have some really important news about The Once and Future Queen? We do. We do.

What has happened? Issues #3, #4, and #5 of The Once and Future Queen have been cancelled, in print and digital. But there will still be a trade collection of the full series released in November. You can order it by clicking here, right now, in fact.

Why did this happen? The comic industry is a fickle thing. The Once and Future Queen was well received by press and its readers, and while it was growing in market awareness, print efforts have been shifted to the book market so we can grow and reach our target audience.

So you guys failed then? The hell you say! We crafted a story that we are deeply proud of, that everyone involved is deeply proud of, and that will see the light of day come November.

Anything else we should know? Eat your veggies. No, seriously. This happened fast, and we’re letting you know as soon as we could. Thank you to everyone who picked up issues #1 and #2 and enjoyed them. We won’t let you down. This story has been an amazingly good time to create, and we want you to have the same good time reading it. Also, you know, some of the stuff you’ll see in the trade: the Gwen/Rani/Lance stuff people think they know where that’s going and y’all are wrong so far, which is delightful. Bigger plot things going on. It’s exciting, it’s fun, and we stand behind it every step of the way. So yeah, thank you guys!  And don’t forget to order The Once and Future Queen trade paperback at,, or Barnes and Noble!

Love and Tattoo swords,

Adam P. Knave
D.J. Kirkbride
Nick Brokenshire
Frank Cvetkovic

THE ONCE AND FUTURE QUEEN #1 release week!

I want to thank everyone who made the release week of THE ONCE AND FUTURE QUEEN #1so great! From stopping by Things From Another World Milwaukie the night before to the Books with Pictures release day signing to Emerald City Comicon and the Dark Horse Comics booth signing to yesterday’s The Comic Bug signings, amazing comic signing signing signing times were had!

Also, want to read some interviews with the creative team? Here are some handy links!

Also, also, here are some reviews of the issue…

The Once and Future Queen #1 signing at Books with Pictures!

To celebrate the release of THE ONCE AND FUTURE QUEEN #1, Adam and I will will be at Books with Pictures in Portland, OR from noon to 2pm on March 1st. If you’re in the area, please stop by this excellent comic shop and get your comics scribbled on the Hall to my Oates and the Oates to his Hall!

THE ONCE AND FUTURE QUEEN #2 is available to preorder now!

Issue 2 of my 5-issue Dark Horse Comics mini-series THE ONCE AND FUTURE QUEEN is available for pre-order now. Just give your local comic shop item code FEB17008W— or just dive in and add the whole series to your pull list!

OaFQ ish 2 coverPRE-ORDER CODE: FEB170082

(W) Adam P. Knave, D.J. Kirkbride (A/CA) Nick Brokenshire (L) Frank Cvetkovic

Battles are fought, weapons are bestowed, and romance begins to blossom! The new queen puts together her own Round Table as Merlin reveals what set the fae war off in the first place, the King in Shadow plots the defeat of humanity, and a devious third party is revealed . . . Are they friend or foe?

In Shops: Apr 12, 2017
SRP: $3.99