My Big Ol’ November 2014 Signing Schedule!

With November bringing the release of Amelia Cole and the Enemy Unleashed and The Bigger Bang #1, both from IDW Publishing, it’s going to be a busy month of signings for THIS guy…


Friday October 31, 2014 – Sunday November 2, 2014: I’ll be posted at Table AA1316, signing the first two Amelia Cole and the Unknown World, Amelia Cole and the Hidden War, and Never Ending (trades and my remaining single issues)… plus maybe a surprise! I’ll also be a part of this here panel:


COMICBUGhorizontalSaturday November 8, 2014: The Culver City store Grand Opening party, signing all my books, alongside some other terrific creators!

And then the release signing parade starts…!

urlWednesday November 12, 2014 from 6pm to 9pm: Amelia Cole and the Enemy Unleashed TPB signing!

COMICBUGhorizontalWednesday November 19, 2014 – Back to the Bug’s Culver City store for a The Bigger Bang #1 release signing from 5pm to 8pm!

Wednesday November 26, 2014: The Bigger Bang #1 signing at the Manhattan Beach store from 5pm to 8pm!


Golden Apple AFTER COMIC-CON Party – Wed 7/30, 6pm-9pm!

Golden Apple

Golden Apple Comics is hosting it’s annual After-Con Party this Wednesday, July 30th, from 6pm to 9pm, and I’ll be there signing AMELIA COLE and NEVER ENDING along with other guests signing own books, such as Jeff Klein (INDESTRUCTIBLE), Mark Sable (GRAVEYARD EMPIRE), Joe Harris (BLOODSHOT), and more!

Plus giveaways and a free hosted bar — so much fun to be had! Stop by if you can…!


D.J. sneak attack at LONG BEACH COMIC EXPO on Saturday!

I couldn’t get a table, so I sneaking in thanks to the Eat/Geek/Play‘s Kevin Knight, who I appreciate so much I make sure to spell his name correctly!

LBCC_post_RIPOFF(Pic above ripped off of Tom Pinchuk‘s design. He told me it was okay.)

I’ll be at their table from 10am to 12pm selling and signing copies of AMELIA COLE AND THE HIDDEN WAR and NEVER ENDING — plus I have a few AMELIA COLE T-Shirts left in stock!

Then at 4 it’s off to their epic “Geeks Against Humanity” game! Should be something!



On Wednesday, May 7th, the second volume of AMELIA COLE is released in print from IDW Publishing. AMELIA COLE AND THE HIDDEN WAR collects issues 7 through 12 of AMELIA COLE, plus loads of extras, including some exclusive one-page comics, pinups, a sketchbook, and more!

To celebrate, I’ll be signing the book at Golden Apple Comics from 6pm to 9pm!

AC2 GA DJ FB SigningAnd on Wed May 14th, I’ll be signing at The Comic Bug from 11am to 2pm and again from 5pm to 8pm!

AC2 FB Comic Bug Signings RevPlease stop by to one of ’em — or both if you need an extra AMELIA COLE fix!

My WONDERCON 2014 Schedule!

WonderCon2014smHere’s my WonderCon Anaheim schedule for this weekend:

Friday April 18
5:30 pm to 6:30 pm – IDW Publishing: Hidden Treasures
Join IDW’s VP of Marketing, Dirk Wood and a virtual cavalcade of some of today’s most exciting creators, as they discuss some of IDW’s more interesting programs and undiscovered gems. Room 213

Saturday April 19
1:00pm to 2:00pm – AMELIA COLE AND THE UNKNOWN world signing at the IDW booth.
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm – NEVER ENDING signing with Robert Love at the Dark Horse booth.

All other times April 18 – 20…
Table AA-025 with Robert Love and some great comics!