Baltimore Comic-Con or bust!

Hi, heroes!

For your information, I will be sharing table 1710K with my esteemed and bearded co-writer/bff Adam P. Knave at this year’s Baltimore Comic-Con! If you happen to be in Baltimore August 20 or August 21, please stop by our table for book signing and chatting and whatnot!

We’ll have copies of the POPGUN books! Adam will be selling his terrific novel STAYS CRUNCHY IN MILK and his hilarious book of essays I SLEPT WITH YOUR IMAGINARY FRIEND! And I’ll have some of those silly DO YOU BELIEVE IN NINJAS? poetry books!

Oh, and we’ll have a special, discounted, 100 copy run of our one-shot comic AGENTS OF THE W.T.F.! It features stories that appeared in POPGUN 3 and 4, plus some bonus coolness.

Really, to be perfectly honest, it’s going to be the best time.



Yes, this is an early, poorly timed announcement due to the fact that the San Diego Comic Con will fulfill all your comic needs for a while, BUT Adam P. Knave and I collected our AGENTS OF THE W.T.F. stories from POPGUN 3 & 4 into one handy comic that we’ll be selling at the Baltimore Comic Con in August! When the proof copy from Ka-Blam arrived, with that glorious Matteo Scalera art, those crisp Palao Ferrante inks, Antonio Campo‘s lovely colors, Thomas Mauer‘s letters of power, and that Cara McGee book design snazziness — I just had to show it off!

Popguns, Ninjas Poems, & D.J. – Anaheim Comic-Con 2011!

Check it out, heroes:

D.J. Kirkbride is an editor on all four volumes of the Eisner and Harvey award winning POPGUN anthology from Image Comics. He also wrote “Soulless, Man Without A Soul” stories for POPGUN volumes 1 and 2 and with Adam P. Knave co-wrote “Agents of the W.T.F.” and “The Black Decahedron” for volumes 3 and 4. His book of ninja poetry, DO YOU BELIEVE IN NINJAS?, was recently released by Creative Guy Publishing.

I’m really looking forward to this, especially since I’ll be sharing my table with my friend and fellow POPGUN contributor, the amazingly talented Robert Love! We’ll also be around all sorts of other POPGUN pals, so it should be good times!

If you’re going to the con, please stop by our table. I’ll have copies of all four volumes of POPGUN, a bunch of DO YOU BELIEVE IN NINJAS?, and some friendly chatting!

Your pal… D.J.

Do you live in LA? Do you love ninjas? Do you love and live poetry?

If you answered “yes” to the three questions in the subject line, swing by Golden Apple Comics on Melrose. There are many terrific reasons to go there, but I’m posting this right now because they have copies of my ninja poetry book “Do You Believe In Ninjas?” from Creative Guy Publishing in stock. The book is a weird little thing — not a spoof or a goof, just kinda goofy and spoofy … not really spoofy. It also features delightful illustrations from Chris Moreno. Honestly, you should own it.

If you are not able to make it to Golden Apple, you can always order the book on the Amazons dot coms.