Popgun Zombie Ninja Outlaws @ The Comic Bug!

On November 30th from 5PM to 8PM, Chris Moreno, Michael Woods, and yours truly will be at the awesome Manhattan Beach comic shop The Comic Bug for a signing. Stop by for good times!

From The Comic Bug‘s site…

Some of the guys from the Image Comics POPGUN anthology series will be on hand at the Comic Bug Wednesday, November 30th to sign the latest book (volume 4) along with some of their own creator-owned projects! If you enjoy some of the most eclectic and creative stories and art in all of comic-dom, you’ll want to pick up POPGUN and meet some of the folks behind the stories.

Stop by and say hi from 5 to 8pm – Only at the Comic Bug!

Chris Moreno – Zombie Dickheads

Michael Woods – Outlaw Territory

D.J. Kirkbride – Do You Believe in Ninjas?

Comikazee invades LA with me, Atreyu, and others in tow!


The Comikaze Expo descends upon us this coming weekend, November 5 & 6! Why am I posting about it on my blog? Well, I shall be sitting at table #92 with copies of all four volumes of the Eisner and Harvey Award-winning POPGUN comic book anthologies from Image Comics, my ninja poetry book DO YOU BELIEVE IN NINJAS? (featuring Chris Moreno illustrations), and a special-printing comic book issue of the AGENTS OF THE W.T.F. stories I co-wrote with Adam P. Knave for POPGUN’s 3 & 4, featuring art by Matteo Scalera. Basically, I’ll have some cool stuff. And I’ll sign anything you buy for you and take pictures with you if you want for some reason and help you with simple math problems if need be.

The rest of the show is going to be cool, too! Get your ticket on here!

I’ll be at The West Hollywood Book Fair October 2!

Hi, internets! If you look at this site and live in the LA area, please check out the West Hollywood Book Fair next Sunday, Oct. 2! Some snazzy comic editors and yours truly will be taking part in a panel at the Comics, Graphic Novels & More Pavilion at 12:15 PM, which will be followed by a signing at The Comic Bug Booth!

Here’s the official info:


As the graphic novel has grown in popularity, so too has the graphic novel anthology. Are these story collections an attempt to keep short fiction relevant in long-form comics? Are they born from a desire to explore a theme from many points of view? Or are anthologies simply a way of compiling some of the best work in comics into one diverse book? Join some of the writers, artists and editors responsible for five of the most highly acclaimed graphic novel anthologies as we discuss how bigger can be better, what makes a great collection and how the anthology format benefits creators.

Kazu Kibuishi (Flight, Explorer)
DJ Kirkbride (Popgun)
Nicole Sixx (Womanthology)
Michael Woods (Outlaw Territory)
Moderator: Asterios Kokkinos

Signings @ 1:15pm, The Comic Bug Booth

POPGUN 4 wins a Harvey Award!

This post is late. I should’ve gathered my thoughts and posted something by now, but the busy hasn’t stopped since the Baltimore Comic-Con. It was an amazing time, sharing a table with Adam P. Knave (who already posted this thoughts on the matter far more eloquently here) and meeting lots of swell people.

One of the highlights for me, of course, was POPGUN 4 winning the 2011 Harvey Award for Best Anthology!

Adam and me, still in shock over the Harvey win.

I’ve been working on the POPGUN books since volume 1. It was my break into comics, which had always been a dream, so I can’t thank Mark Andrew Smith and Joe Keatinge enough for the opportunity. Like all of the POPGUN books, POPGUN 4 was a labor of love. A very time consuming and sometimes difficult and worrisome labor of love, but there was always love. We all did it for the love of comics!

Co-editing with Anthony Wu and Adam was a great collaboration, assembling a collection of stories that none of us would’ve put together individually. Thomas Mauer and Jeff Powell did amazing work on the production edits/design, and the book wouldn’t exist without them. Those guys… yep, those are good guys.

And the contributors! We were able to assemble an amazing lineup of talent, and I want to thank all of them!

So, thank you… Alison Acton, Attila Adorjany, Amanda Becker, Michael Birkhofer, John Bivens, Elliot Blake, David Brenion, Shana Brenion, Jeffrey Brown, Lars Brown, Antonio Campo, Dominique Carrier, Jim Charalampidis, David Collinson, Bill Crabtree, Dave Curd, Michelle Davies, Vito Delsante, Todd Dezago, Michael Dialynas, Jeik Dion, Becky Dreistadt, Alex Eckman-Lawn, Nick Edwards, Paolo Ferrante, Jess Fink, Joe Flood, Fonografiks, Elizabeth Genco, Frank Gibson, Vassilis Gogtzilas, Nils Hamm, Mike Houlihan, Alice Hunt, Meg Hunt, Jason Ibarra, Fernanda Jaber, Jock, Andrea Kalfas, Janet Kim, Nikos Koutsis, Erik Larsen, Erwin Ledford, Stuart Livingston, Maximo V. Lorenzo, Robert Love, Adam Lucas, Manoel Magalhães, John Malloy, Fell Martins, Derek McCulloch, Michael Meier, MJ, Chris Moreno, Wayne Nichols, Ralph Niese, JM Ken Niimura, Kieran Oats, Anthony Peruzzo, Elton Pruitt, Stephanie Ramirez, Darren Rawlings, Stephen Reedy, Andy Ristaino, Salgood Sam, Eric Sandhop, Matteo Scalera, Thomas Scioli, Brandon Seifert, Jonathan Silvestre, Frank Stockton, Nick Tapalansky, Ben Templesmith, Jeremy Tinder, Mike Toris, Osmarco Valladão, David Walker, Angie Wang, Matthew Weldon, Anna Wieszczyk, Brian Winkeler, Michael Woods, K.I. Zachopoulos, Alexis Ziritt!

Big thanks, of course, to Image Comics, for publishing four giant POPGUN books so far… wow! They all obviously love comics, too, and it’s much appreciated.

In the end, it was an honor to be nominated and a huge, delightful surprise to win. My hope is a few folks who normally wouldn’t have read the book will now check out POPGUN 4.

And now… time to make MORE comics!