Hi, true believers!
Figured I’d compile a bit of one-stop shopping for folks looking to learn more about POPGUN — specifically the upcoming 4th volume, which is in stores February 24th. (If I’m missing anything, feel free to let me know!)
Rich Johnston’s BLEEDING COOL was the first to show off Ben Templesmith’s amazing POPGUN 4 cover!
GEEKWEEK’s Tim Simmons interviewed me about POPGUN 4 and ran some very nice preview art.
GRAEME’S FANTASY BOOK REVIEW posted about the book and had kind words about POPGUN vol. 3.
COMICS CONTINUUM by Rob Allstetter posted some cool preview pages! (Just scroll down a little.)
THE COMIC BOX gave us a swell shout out!
Also, some upcoming events…
Also for the New York folks, there’s a POPGUN 4 signing on Feb 24th at Jim Hanley’s Universe!
And, LA folks, don’t forget about the POPGUN 4 release party on Feb 24th at Meltdown Comics!