ERRAND BOYS getting a snazzy trade collection from Dark Horse!

I’m very happy to be able to finally let everyone know that ERRAND BOYS by Nikos Koutsis, Frank Cvetkovic , Mike Toris, Adam P. Knave, El Anderson, and me is getting a nice trade collection from Dark Horse Comics in April 2022! It’s edited by Philip Simon with Judy Khuu & Rose Weitz and includes all five chapters, the bonus stories (with art by Manos Lagouvardos, Geo Kon, Alkis Rithinor, and Vasilis Dimopoulos), Erik Larsen‘s awesome variant cover, AND brand new extras! I’ll post the comic shop preorder info as soon as it’s available, but if you get your books via online booksellers, Penguin Random House has that info here!

UPDATE 11.19.21: It’s also listed in the December Previews Catalogue, so you can pre-order the ERRAND BOYS trade at your Local Comic Shop with order code DEC210419. Please let your #LCS know that this is a book to put on their shelves by pre-ordering it soon.


(W) D.J. Kirkbride (A/CA) Nikos Koutsis

In the future, a decent job is hard to find-especially if you’re a hard-worn scoundrel with commitment issues. Jace is a lifelong solo act running dangerous errands for the most questionable of clients. But when his thirteen-year-old half-human half-brother comes to live with him, he’s got two mouths to feed. Between evading the law, running from aliens, and jumping off skyscrapers, the only thing weirder than the vastness of space is family.

Collects the entire run of the comic book series Errand Boys plus new extras for the first time!

In Shops: Apr 13, 2022
SRP: $19.99

Thanks, and hooray for comics!

New Online Store

I’ve been surprised at how much I miss comic conventions, and I also have stock I bought specifically for 2020 cons. While I’d rather meet readers in person, I’ve tried to do the next best thing with an online store where you can purchase books I have in stock with my signature on ’em. There’s no extra charge for that, just cover price and shipping. There are some books missing simply because I don’t have extra copies, but if there are requests for them, I’ll make it happen. Check it out, and share with friends you think might be interested!

THE ONCE AND FUTURE QUEEN #1 release week!

I want to thank everyone who made the release week of THE ONCE AND FUTURE QUEEN #1so great! From stopping by Things From Another World Milwaukie the night before to the Books with Pictures release day signing to Emerald City Comicon and the Dark Horse Comics booth signing to yesterday’s The Comic Bug signings, amazing comic signing signing signing times were had!

Also, want to read some interviews with the creative team? Here are some handy links!

Also, also, here are some reviews of the issue…