POPGUN 4 cover by Ben Templesmith — revealed!

Big goings on over the weekend! On Saturday, Rich Johnston at Bleeding Cool broke the news that Ben Templesmith is the cover artist for POPGUN 4, and it is indeed a glorious cover!


Then, on Sunday, Mr. Templesmith posted a very cool blog showing his process in the creation of this gorgeous eye candy! It’s an interesting read filled with some great images showing the development of this image. Wonderful stuff.

And the POPGUN 4 site (courtesy of web guru Tim Daniels) is live! On it is a complete list of our wonderful contributors (including Jeffrey Brown, Jock, Erik Larsen, Thomas Scioli, and nearly 80 more talented folks) plus FIVE FULL COMICS FROM POPGUN 4 — FOR FREE!

POPGUN 4, a full color 512 page behemoth of a comic anthology, will hit shelves courtesy of Image Comics on 02/10/2010. Ask for it at your local comic shop or bookstore to order it! The Diamond order code will appear along with a snazzy solicit in the December issue of PREVIEWS!

I’ll be posting more on this as we get closer to the release date. All of  Team Popgun is very excited! If you’re a fan of previous volumes, this one is the biggest and best yet, so please help us spread the word!

Hooray for comics!

Blast from the past: EDDIE BOURBON, Ninja to the Stars!

Hey, champion readers!

A few years ago, I wrote these stories about a grizzled old ninja who was a bodyguard to celebrities. It was very deep and thoughtful, naturally. I always wanted to make it a comic, and my good friend Jason Eriksen made that happen with his mad art skills. We serialized a story on the late, great website called the footnote, and, well, it still makes me chuckle. Figured I’d share in a moment of nostalgia…

bourbonCoverRead it here!