About D.J.

This is the infrequently updated website for D.J. Kirkbride, an Eisner and Harvey award winning comic book editor who is also a comic book writer... and a ninja poet. He is often referred to as 'and many more.'

POPGUN 4 is out this Wed, Feb 24th!

Hi, awesome people!

Just a quick reminder that POPGUN 4 from the fine folks at Image Comics hits shelves this Wednesday! Please stop by your Local Comic Shop and pick up a copy…

Also, if you’re in NY, Hanley’s is having a signing on Wed. from 6 to 8.

And, if you’re in LA, Meltdown Comics is having a release party on Wed. from 7 to 10.

Aaaaand if you’re in Oklahoma City, New World comics is having a release party on Friday, Feb 26.

Such good times! We’re really proud if this big beast that is POPGUN 4. Can’t wait for it to be unleashed! Hope you all like it…

Your pal,

POPGUN 4 press roundup!

Hi, true believers!

Figured I’d compile a bit of one-stop shopping for folks looking to learn more about POPGUN — specifically the upcoming 4th volume, which is in stores February 24th. (If I’m missing anything, feel free to let me know!)

COMIC BOOK RESOURCES’ own Josh Wigler interviewed Jeffrey Brown, Amanda Becker, Janet Kim, Frank Stockton, Andy Ristiano, and myself. Good times and snazzy preview art!

NEWSARAMA writer Chris Arrant interviewed Anthony Wu, Adam P. Knave, Todd DeZago, Tom Scioli, Vito Delasante, Attila Adorjany, Chris Moreno, and me again. Lots of info and more preview art!

PUBLISHER’S WEEKLY’s PANEL MANIA writer Ada Price ran the entire 24-page story “Hamburgers For One” by Frank Stockton. A great read that looks even better in print, as it was meant to be seen!

Rich Johnston’s BLEEDING COOL was the first to show off Ben Templesmith’s amazing POPGUN 4 cover!

BROKEN FRONTIER’s Frederik Hautin posted a full-story preview of Tom (G0DLAND) Scioli’s POPGUN 4 contribution: “The Seneschal”!

GEEKWEEK’s Tim Simmons interviewed me about POPGUN 4 and ran some very nice preview art.

Johanna Draper Carlson’s COMICS WORTH READING gave us a nice mention complete with the Ben Templesmith web banner!

GRAEME’S FANTASY BOOK REVIEW posted about the book and had kind words about POPGUN vol. 3.

COMICS CONTINUUM by Rob Allstetter posted some cool preview pages! (Just scroll down a little.)

THE COMIC BOX gave us a swell shout out!

Also, some upcoming events…

In New York, The Comic Book Club Live will be interviewing POPGUN 4 contributors Adam P. Knave, Vito Delsante, and Nick Tapansky live at the The Peoples Improv Theater on Feb 16th — tickets available now!

Also for the New York folks, there’s a POPGUN 4 signing on Feb 24th at Jim Hanley’s Universe!

And, LA folks, don’t forget about the POPGUN 4 release party on Feb 24th at Meltdown Comics!

Finally, in Oklahoma City? Check out the POPGUN 4 signing at New World Comics & Games, with writer Brian Winkeer and artist Eric Sandhop will be on hand for fun!

Ninjas Don’t Jazzercise

Ninjas don’t jazzercise

…..to keep the thunder out of their thighs.

……….For that they kick tons of ass.

Ninjas don’t diet

…..as a way to stay fit.

……….Badass assassinations keep ’em thin.

Ninjas don’t sweat to the oldies

…..to be free of ass fat foldies.

……….Airborne flipping is better than Richard Simmons’ moves.

Ninjas don’t jazzercise.

…..or freaking diet

……….or sweat to no oldies.




…..Which is wonderful exercise.

Mustachioed Ninja

Ninja with a mustache,

your hairy lip aids you in the kicking

of ass.

Whatever your reason for growing your ‘stache,

it works for you.

I say this true blue.

Show off your ‘stache,

and cut a ‘stache hole in  your mask…

In fear your enemies will bask.

Show off that sweet hairy lip…

Oh! And when you kick,

remember to pivot with your hip.

Look, put that razor down.

Without that godgiven ‘stache,

you look like an child clown.

Ninja, sweet mustchioed ninja,

you beautiful bastard,

don’t ever give up the dream.

Shaving your lip,

won’t make your enemies scream

… in terror.

POPGUN 4 article at Comic Book Resources!

Comic Book Resources staff writer Josh Wigler interviewed POPGUN 4 contributors Jeffrey Brown, Frank Stockton, Amanda Becker, Janet Kim, Andy Ristiano, and yours truly for a terrific article at Comic Book Resources.

Complete with some story descriptions from the creators themselves as well as preview art — check it out and leave a comment if you’re so moved!