Yeah, Nick Brokenshire is my hero. Issue 2 is out on comiXology August 7th!
Author Archives: D.J.
MonkeyBrain panel at Comic-Con! Friday! July 13th! 7 to 8! PM!
Heroes, I’ll be part of a very snazzy San Diego Comic-Con panel on Friday the 13th from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PMÂ with some of my fellow MonkeyBrain Comics creators.. Stop by and check it out if you can…
7:00-8:00 MonkeyBrain Comics— Co-publishers Chris Roberson (Memorial) and Allison Baker reveal all about MonkeyBrain Comics, a creator-owned digital comics imprint. Joining them are moderator Bill Willingham (Fables) and creators Chris Schweitzer (Crogan’s Adventures), D. J. Kirkbride (Popgun), Brandon Seifert (Witch  Doctor), Joe Keatinge (Hell Yeah!), Colleen Coover (Small Favors), and Paul Tobin (Gingerbread Girl). Room 4
Happy Independents Day from Amelia Cole and MonkeyBrain Comics!
AMELIA COLE released 2 days early by Monkeybrain Comics & Comixology!
Well, this was one heckuva day! I was excited that Chris Roberson & Allison Baker were announcing the Monkeybrain Comics titles to the press, so that I could start letting people know that my new comic book with co-writer Adam P. Knave, artist Nick Brokenshire, and letterer Rachel Deering was going to be a part of this awesome company. What I didn’t know, what none of us knew, was that the books would be released two days early today, too!
That’s right! AMELIA COLE AND THE UNKNOWN WORLD issue 1 is available now over at Comixology, along with the other awesome Monkeybrain comics! It’s $1.99 for 28 pages of story plus the snazzy cover shown above.
Click on these words you are reading for a 6 page preview of AMELIA COLE AND THE UNKNOWN WORLD issue 1. If you like what you see, and I hope you do, please buy this wacky comic book, and let me know what you think!
Mahfood / Titmouse Mook 2 party at Meltdown 7/18
The Wednesday after the monster that is the San Diego Comic-Con, I’ll be joining Jim Mahfood and some of the most talented folks at the great Titmouse Animation studio for a signing part at one of my favorite comic shops ever, Meltdown Comics. It’s great to have a story (co-written by Adam P. Knave, illustrated by Vassilis Gogtzilas, and lettered by Jeff Powell) in this snazzy book. Press release below!
The best Comic-Con party this year will be on Wednesday, July 18 at 6pm, at the infamous Meltdown Comics (7522 Sunset Blvd., LA, CA 90046).
Join the artists of Titmouse Mook 2 and Jim Mahfood as he drops his latest Everybody Loves Tank Girl book. They’ll be signing stuff, eating sausages from the Wien Truck, and generally kicking back after a long weekend in San Diego.
Titmouse Mook Vol 2 Signing Party x Jim Mahfood’s Tank Girl Release Party!
What: Welcome to LA after Comic-Con!!
When: 7/18 6pm – late
Where: Meltdown Comics 7522 Sunset Blvd. LA, CA 90046
Be there!!!