About D.J.

This is the infrequently updated website for D.J. Kirkbride, an Eisner and Harvey award winning comic book editor who is also a comic book writer... and a ninja poet. He is often referred to as 'and many more.'


On Wednesday, May 7th, the second volume of AMELIA COLE is released in print from IDW Publishing. AMELIA COLE AND THE HIDDEN WAR collects issues 7 through 12 of AMELIA COLE, plus loads of extras, including some exclusive one-page comics, pinups, a sketchbook, and more!

To celebrate, I’ll be signing the book at Golden Apple Comics from 6pm to 9pm!

AC2 GA DJ FB SigningAnd on Wed May 14th, I’ll be signing at The Comic Bug from 11am to 2pm and again from 5pm to 8pm!

AC2 FB Comic Bug Signings RevPlease stop by to one of ’em — or both if you need an extra AMELIA COLE fix!

My WONDERCON 2014 Schedule!

WonderCon2014smHere’s my WonderCon Anaheim schedule for this weekend:

Friday April 18
5:30 pm to 6:30 pm – IDW Publishing: Hidden Treasures
Join IDW’s VP of Marketing, Dirk Wood and a virtual cavalcade of some of today’s most exciting creators, as they discuss some of IDW’s more interesting programs and undiscovered gems. Room 213

Saturday April 19
1:00pm to 2:00pm – AMELIA COLE AND THE UNKNOWN world signing at the IDW booth.
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm – NEVER ENDING signing with Robert Love at the Dark Horse booth.

All other times April 18 – 20…
Table AA-025 with Robert Love and some great comics!

I’ll be at WONDERCON 2014 with Robert Love!


Long time no post, website! Guess what? I’ll be at WonderCon Anaheim April 18 – 20, sharing Table AA-025 with NUMBER 13 co-writer & artist and NEVER ENDING artist Robert Love! We’ll have copies of IDW’s AMELIA COLE AND THE UNKNOWN WORLD trade, Amelia Cole T-shirts, Dark Horse’s NUMBER 13 trades, and issues 1 – 3 of Dark Horse’s NEVER ENDING. Stop by, buy comics, get a shirt, buy a sketch off of Robert, and have a great time!


Long Beach DJ

SoCal comic fans, check out the LONG BEACH COMIC & HORROR CON Saturday November 23 – Sunday November 24! It’s their 5th anniversary show, so loads of fun is sure to be had! Stop by table Booth #1307 to say hi and snag a copy of IDW Publishing‘s collection of my Monkeybrain Comics series AMELIA COLE AND THE UNKNOWN WORLD!

Hooray for comics!